The 7 best talismans a lot of money

If you want to attract luck, money, the first thing you need to have a reliable mascot to strengthen the energy.

Improve your life, be successful, powerful amulets. I have repeatedly showed that the energy of the things that greatly affect our lives. To attract money, luck, should be easy to choose a talisman that meets your goals and intentions. The corresponding talisman is the key to success, luck, prosperity.


1. The ring is endless, good luck

If the dream won't come true, no matter how you try, it may be a ring-a talisman. Responsible for decoration luck with a simple ritual: the rising moon clear the ring from the outside energy is negative. Give a cup of cold water, add a tablespoon of salt, 3 pinch of baking soda. Wait until the salt has dissolved, then place the pan ring, the conjuring:

"Salt water wash of the rings is negative forever."

Leave the ring alone for a while (10-20 minutes), which allows salt water to clean the decorations, the alien energy. After the bell, should be put in the moonlight, talk about good luck:

"The crescent Moon, authorizes, or give property, to let, to success."

The ring's left is to fill it up till the morning. Don't forget that gold is the best to attract the money, the silver, the success of the tree — good luck.

2. Money toad

The most famous mascot considered to be money frog. Charm can easily attract the money energy into your home. Suitable for those who needs the money, you want to keep your savings and to get rid of the loans. Real money toad should meet the following criteria:

Money toad
  • Gold or green color;
  • stand has three legs;
  • keep your mouth shut, a coin which can be easily removed. If the coin should be glued, or it will be hard, it will be hard to earn money.

The money toad is usually placed at home, in the zone of wealth. The most important thing— you don't need to put the tall shelf, like the amulet afraid of heights.

3. Pendant-the day, that's a lot of money

The sun is a symbol of light, happiness, prosperity, good luck, because you will defeat the darkness. Medallion is the symbol of the Day will be a great mascot. Buying a pendant you need in a good mood. Well, if it's gold. The ritual of filling, the decorations, the success, the money held by day in the sunlight. The pendant is placed on a Sunny place and leave for 40 minutes. Then he says:

"Day, day, look out the window. Charged amulet for ten years. Fifty days to a million".

After you have to share your mascot, your desires, tell us why you need the money, what dreams you want to fulfill with them. The amulet is worn conspicuous place in the evening to pack under the pillow. The more the merrier.

4. Talisman made of natural wood

Green socks

It's a simple charm to big money. With some practice, we recommend that you buy a talisman with the image of the monetary runes, but an ordinary piece of wood has the ability to increase revenue. The talisman of healthy, young or old, rich or poor. Wearing this amulet is beneficial to the energy sector. This restores the balance, opens the cash flow, protect against the loss, and inhibits fatigue, apathy.

Tree charm, or keep it with you (wallet, purse, or pocket), or to store at home, office or car. Make sure that is not lost. If the amulet is suddenly gone, so it's time to cleanse the negativity, envy, pampering.

5. Green socks

This cute home mascot quickly attract the owner desired. You don't have to wait for the crescent moon, bright Sun or good day to buy. Well, if green socks to knit for a loved one. Ideally, tie them with his hands. Inside each sock is a bill with these words: "Enjoy your fortune, take the money."

Socks should be stored in a visible but inaccessible place. After a month of socks you wear a few minutes before going to bed and make a wish: every. If your desires come true, the ritual worth repeating.

6. Money tree

The wood carries the energy of prosperity, growth and endless development. The mascot of the house, but it can help in the office. Which place in the atmosphere, good luck, strengthens energy. Suitable for a professional career, as well as those who are willing to accept the responsibility.

Traditionally, a twig of the money tree, you need to be a rich house. Under the pot, put the seven gold (yellow or gold) coins. Watering the tree, you need to think about wealth, the luxury, the fame, the wealth. If the tree does not grow so fast, poisoned the coin, check energy at home: the most likely, the energy, the money, the wealth is going on.

7. Souvenirs that pleasant emotions

Attract money

Your intuition often indicates items that produce a positive charge. Eyes can be interesting coins, shiny rocks, unusual, sculpture, decoration, pendant. As something special, attracts, fascinates. Definitely buy it — this talisman attracts money, good luck.

Before you use the talisman on purpose who have to clean the external energy. This is the experts page we recommend that you keep it under running water for a few seconds. The water washes away the negativity. You will need to say a short sentence, or spell, then upload the theme in the success, the money.

By selecting the mascot, you will be able to attract a lot of money. Remember, that talismans amulets, and it is not a magic wand, which eliminates the lack of money, loans, receivables, and financial difficulties. The colleague, who suggest that the right way to strengthen faith is to protect us from significant losses. Success!